Using file paths in "URL" type column

We are using seatable to list our projects and we wanted to include the direct link to our projects folders in the intranet that has a structure \NAS\folder_project1
when I paste this kind of link, sadly it opens the internet browser and fails.
Do you have any idea to sort this out ?


Links have to go to the web.

yes, I get that. But that could be really useful to allow intranet handling also. Especially for enterprise, in our case.

Same here, but it is currently not possible.

I am not sure I understand what you are talking about: links (aka URLs) to intranet pages or UNC paths to files?

And which column type do you want to use? Links? Or do you mean URL?!

We were using http links pointing to our previous file storage system, with a “hyperlink” column.
We had to switch our file storage to a samba, and all http links are now of the “\NAS\folder” kind related to samba structure.
It would be useful that the “hyperlink” column type could use also this scheme, to open intranet or internet, depending on the protocol…

I took the liberty of updating the title of your post.

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