Basically, the coordinates in {Geolocation column name} are correctly displayed as (Y,X), however a formula column where the formula is simply {Geolocation column name} it is reversed and displayed as (X,Y) which then points to a different location. Can this be fixed?
Hi @thallisey,
No idea if this can be fixed, the SeaTable team will answer that part. However, if you need a workaround for the current state, this formula seems to do the trick: mid({Geolocation column name},find(",",{Geolocation column name},1)+2,len({Geolocation column name})-find(",",{Geolocation column name},1)-1) & ", " & mid({Geolocation column name},1,find(",",{Geolocation column name},1)-1)
(definitely not the most elegant way, but do the job still…)
In order to improve your chance of having an answer from the SeaTable team about an eventual fix, maybe it’s better not to mark any message as solution for now.