Rework of n8n-seatable Integration

Hi everybody,

We are currently in the middle of the revision of the seatable-n8n integration and have already added many new features. With the new version, all column types will be supported and several new actions and triggers will be added.

We would like to test the new functionality with real use cases, so we are looking for volunteers who are already familiar with n8n and want to automate their processes together with us.

Best regards

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Hi @cdb.

That are interesting news. I am using a self-hosted n8n instance for automation and I’d like to support you during my free time. :+1:

Kind regards

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I had tried the n8n with really bad outcome, no trigger, API limit …
I’m really happy that you put again some efforts in it as it’s a great tool.

Thanks for your feedback. I will contact you via private message talking about the details.
Here is a short glimpse of the rework of the n8n integration. Currently, the new node will offer 3 triggers and 15 actions:


  • New Row
  • New or Update Row
  • New Signature


  • Create row
  • Update row
  • Create or Update (not yet finished)
  • Get row
  • Search row
  • Delete row
  • Add link
  • Remove link
  • Lock Row
  • Unlock Row
  • Upload File/Image (not yet finished)
  • Get public URL for file/image
  • Make API call
  • Create Snapshot
  • Get base metadata

Best regards


It would be nice if it could save a .dtable snapshot for backup purposes.


I also use seatable with n8n so if you need anything, don’t hesitate to contact me. :slight_smile:

i use seatable developer and n8n . all self hosted.

there are some issue i found in seatable trigger.

If we use “simplify” there are some result.

However, if we do not use “simplify” , it does not return anything .

to add on, if we use space in table name, the trigger will not find anything.

for example, if we use table name as “table_1” , it works, however, if we rename the same table as “table 1” , trigger will not find anything.

These are issues with the current version. They will be fixed with the new version soon.

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Hey everybody,

How to install the community node

You can install the new version of the SeaTable n8n node as a community node. Just go to settings/community-nodes and just enter n8n-nodes-seatable.

Use it in new workflows

After the installation and if you create a new workflow, you will see two SeaTable nodes. The one with the small box next to the name is the new community node.



I added versioning to the SeaTable n8n node. This means that workflows which already existed and used SeaTable will continue to use the old code. You have to replace these steps to get the new code.


Currently, the version v1.0.0 contains 15 actions. There are two limitations:

  1. the triggers are not yet included, I don’t understand why, and I have to speak with the n8n support to fix this.
  2. the action “upload a file/image” is not working. I also have to clarify this with the n8n support

IMPORTANT: This is just a temporary solution. I a short time I will update the node that is shipped with n8n.

I am really locking forward to your feedback.

Best regards


Just a short update: Today I finished the rework of the n8n node and created a pull request.

Now it should only take some time before the new version is added to n8n.
And I think I have earned a :beer:.

Definitely, this new version is also available as a community node at n8n-nodes-seatable - npm.


7 posts were split to a new topic: Problem with n8n file upload to SeaTable

For the last couple of weeks I use this node a lot. Great rework.

I’ve got two issues though.

  1. Why did you remove the “Get Many” operation? Was it replaced by the “Search” Operation?
  2. Can you make the Search case insensitive or add this as an option?

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Hey @vqui ,

Thanks for this feedback. I updated the community node to version 1.3.5. I added these features.

  • I added a “get many” action
  • I added a switch for “case insensitive search” to the “search” action.
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New updates to the ‘upload file’ action in the community version 1.4.0 include:

  • Elimination of the need to specify workspace_id from user
  • Two additional options:
    a) Replace existing file
    b) Append file

Today I published the community version 1.5.1. This version improves the support for the big data backend:

  • If you create a new row, you can select if the row is created in normal or big data backend.
  • Updating a row and deleting a row works with both backends.
  • Linking rows work seamlessly with normal and big data backend.
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Today, I released version 2.0.1 of the community edition. This update introduces two significant improvements:

  • All endpoints now utilize the api-gateway endpoints, replacing the previous dtable-db and dtable-server endpoints
  • Row-returning endpoints now support a new configuration option, allowing users to choose between returning column names or column keys

Additionally, I have comprehensively addressed all linting issues in the codebase. My goal/hope is to finally have this pull request accepted and merged into the n8n core after nearly a year of waiting. Let’s cross our fingers! :partying_face: